(BN26 6RX - postcode for the centre of Arlington)

Our Sponsors

Many thanks to Albany Homes Southern for their generous sponsorship of the 2013 Arts Festival

With thanks to Hailsham Creative for design and print services for the festival 

This festival is self funding - we do not get any financial assistance and rely on advertisers, sponsors and ticket sales to cover costs. Arlington Arts Group organise the festival and are a not-for-profit group.

If an event in the festival is sponsored, we can make this a free event, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

We have many events lined up that businesses or individuals may like to sponsor, including 2 school arts workshops, an evening open air painting workshop and an open mic(rophone) stage, all of which cost in the region of £
100 each, a concert in the church would cost in the region of £200 and the Arts & Crafts show costs in the region of £350.

A £100 sponsor would get one ad (business card size), their logo on the programme cover, logo and link on the website and a thank you poster at the event

A £200+ sponsor would get a double ad, logo on programme cover, link on the website, logos on posters at all Arlington events, 2 tickets to Arlington events and if you have any promotional material we could display this at events at Arlington Village Hall/Marquee events.

A sponsor of the Arts & Crafts show would also be invited to have a stall at the event (22/23rd June).

We are also happy to accept sponsorship in kind:
mowing the field; donations of wine and other refreshments; banner and sign printing / erection; PA equipment hire; parking attendants; event stewardship; musician performers; raffle/tombola prize donations.

Please call 01323 485153 or email us if you are interested in assisting with sponsorship.